It is vitally important for us to take good care of our teeth, not just so we look sexy when we smile!


If we don’t clean our teeth well or allow tooth decay to worsen, this can lead to abscesses in the mouth, severe pain and some bacteria can even lead to serious infections in the heart…

Here are some of my tips on how to look after your teeth…


  1. Make sure you brush your teeth twice a day for at least 2 minutes each time, thoroughly cleaning all your teeth, and after you eat anything too sweet and sticky.
  2. Use a soft, small toothbrush to get to all the nooks and crannies in your mouth, but be gentle, as you don’t want to brush too hard and wear away your enamel, which is the protective surface on your teeth.
  3. Floss at least once a day to get rid of all the old food bits stuck in between your teeth. I like to floss at night.
  4. Use a toothpaste containing fluoride, if this is not added to the water in your country, as fluoride helps the teeth to become stronger against acid and plaque.
  5. Make sure you see a Dentist every 6 months or once a year, if you have strong teeth. The Dentist will scale and polish your teeth, to ensure the gums are clean and also, treat any small areas of decay early with fillings, before these areas become infected, and you need the whole tooth removed.
  6. Snack on apples and carrots, instead of chocolate. These will naturally clean your teeth as you chew on them.
  7. If your gums bleed often and this does not stop with gentle brushing, you must see a Dentist, as this is a sign of infection and needs professional treatment early.
  8. Avoid fizzy drinks, like Coca Cola or lemonade, as these are full of sugar. They are also acidic, so even, the diet versions of these drinks are damaging for your teeth. If you do drink them, use a straw and give your teeth a quick brush afterwards.
  9. Make sure you have plenty of calcium and Vitamin D in your diet, as these will make your teeth (and bones) strong!
  10. If you want whiter teeth, don’t use abrasive tooth whitening pastes but see your Dentist, who can fit you with a home bleaching kit to make them look blingy white!!
